Our Service In The Press
“The Mathematician’s daily
email bulletins accrued £5,128.75 from its
highlighted bets and
delivered a master class in tactical, value betting
throughout the year and a welter of profitable supplementary
advice in addition to the recommendations I recorded.”
~ Guardian Newspaper
Long Term Member Testimonials
"I have been with
Mathematician Betting for about ten years now - virtually from
the day the service started. I can't remember an unprofitable
year. But from a personal perspective profit has not been the
most valuable part of the journey, rather, the detailed and
intelligent information I have received virtually every day
for the last decade. Why has this information been so valuable?
Quite simply, it has allowed me - through what I have learned
from the service - to 'go it alone' and earn a living from my
betting independently of anyone else - this has always been
my ultimate goal but I could not have done it without Mathematician
I guess I have been with you 3-4 years,
except with a short break for
six months when I was working abroad...
I just wanted to drop you a line to say what a massive effort
in the National yesterday.
You certainly have some of the most powerful set of angles and
biggest "edge" I have ever seen.
"I would just like to say a big thank
you for your magnificent work. Your expertise is without doubt
the best I've ever come across and I've tried a few. You have
a rare talent and I really appreciate all the work you put into
your service."
"Congratulations once again on a superb season. I
could write for hours about how impressed I am, but I don't
need to because you know how good you are ;-)"