Soccer Betting Tips
I have to come clean with you. Soccer betting is not
my forte. I often get asked however if I know anyone
useful at soccer betting.
I do have a site you should try out for soccer betting
tips if you are looking for them.
The Football Bets site has at it's helm ex bookmaker
Phil Brown.
If you want to read endless waffle along side your
bets, this is not for you as the site tends to focus
on cold hard numbers based on the researched facts and
statistics of soccer betting. But I guess the beauty
of following the soccer tips of a number crunching expert
is that you do not have to bother with that boring research
side of things yourself.
If the numbers are right, it is a bet, if not then
no bet is the way he works. No human emotion involved.
I can not guarantee you future profits from the Football
Bets site, however I am happy that I am pointing you
towards a very good bet of a service and a site with
an intelligent thinking bettor behind it.
A good place to start there is their free soccer betting
course as the knowledgeable content within will provide
you with many general soccer betting tips that will
help set you up with a good long term foundation.
Here is the link Soccer
Betting Tips